これは、大きなものと小さなものを選別する機械ですか? それは振動ふるいの役目であり、しかも、この役目を効果的に果たします! 特別な機械は、粒子をサイズに基づいて振るために使用されます。ビー玉がいっぱい入った瓶を振ったことがあるなら、大きなビー玉は上に上がり、より小さな珪長質のビー玉は表面に留まります。振ることで、サイズに応じて物が整理され、その結果、必要なものが上に来るのです。
This strainer is also incredibly universal. It can prepare and grade virtually any kind of material, from fine powder to boulders of rock. This is the variant of flexibility wherein a franchise makes itself helpful to many different businesses. An illustration of this is, in the medicine field, it can eliminate undesired molecules from medicine which will make it safe and sound. It can also filter out gravel and soil in building industry, so that building projects runner well.
Cement International Engineering では、すべてのビジネスに特別な要件があることを認識しており、お客様の組織が求めている最適なサービスを提供します。これにより、当社の機械の振動スクリーンをお客様の好みに合わせてカスタマイズすることが可能になります。当社のアプリケーションでは、お客様のビジネスに完全に適合し、お客様の要件に完全に基づいたふるいを設計できます。
弊社の幅広い能力の一部としてふるいのサイズ、形状、成形能力があるので、弊社の専門エンジニア チームと協力して、お客様独自のニーズに最適なタイプを決定できます。 パフォーマンスやダスト除去を強化する特別な機能: 追加のスクリーニング デッキ、ダスト除去システムも、弊社の標準仕様に加えて搭載できます。 お客様の特定のニーズにぴったり合う振動ふるいを、弊社は複数のオプションで提供しています。
Since more than 20 year, are committed to developing research, design manufacturing installation of lime-kiln. is full-automatic with the linear vibrating sieveexpenditure. lime kiln has long service life can trust us due to excellent service high-quality lime mill.
company has mainly undertaken the engineering design program design, the provision of special equipment as well as installation and commissioning employee training, oven service starting up furnaces, as well as linear vibrating sievereaching of energy-saving environmentally friendly lime shaft kiln. company has constructed activated kilns various volumes which include 150m3, 170m3, 250m3,350m3, etc. successfully opened produced stunning effect! Utilizing the advanced technology of coke lime shaft kiln, the gas-burning lime shaft kiln has been designed, and contract agreements have been signed with variety of companies.
AGICO a highly skilled technical linear vibrating sievethat specializes EPC Turnkey Projects, including manufacturing, design installation. AGICO offers full range pre-sales on-sales services, as well as after-sales technical assistance.
For long time, AGICO has had professional technical team, mature production linear vibrating sieve, rich production experience, forming a complete set of shaft kiln production technology management systems, making energy-saving and environmental-protective lime shaft kiln technology perfect. technology boasts benefits low investment, high quality automation, superior product quality, low energy consumption, long service lifespan of furnace and environmental protection. is widely used in metallurgy industry and also in non-ferrous metals chemicals in building materials, various industries, and deep processing industries.