さて、若い読者の皆さん、 振動ボウルフィーダー です。これは、工場の製造プロセスに革命をもたらした素晴らしい技術です。Cement International Engineering は、この優れた技術を製造プロセスに取り入れ、製造プロセスをより新しく、より速く、よりスマートなものにしています。
今日、ボウル フィーダーは、組立ラインのあらゆる作業をより速く、よりスムーズに実行します。ボウル フィーダーは、小さな部品を一貫した方法で分類、整理、および供給するために使用される一般的な機械です。さらに、ブロックによってモジュール化され、簡単に組み立てることができます。これにより、小さな部品の取り扱いに最適になり、作業員は生産目標に向かって進むことができます。これにより、作業員はより速いペースで作業し、仕事を正しく完了できます。
セメント インターナショナル エンジニアリングでは、ボウル フィーダーなどの自動化技術を活用して、より迅速で優れた生産を実現しています。この技術により、短時間でより多くの生産が可能になり、あらゆるビジネスで非常に重要な人件費を節約できます。また、自動フィーダーにより、ピースが適切に方向付けられて供給されるため、品質基準を維持できます。優れた製品を作ることでお客様に満足していただくこと、それが私たちの真の願いです。
Packaging and inspection are the two most important things in manufacturing and Cement International Engineering understand this. This is precisely why we rely on the automation of bowl feeders, to better sort parts for quality control, packaging and final examination. This technology with our process ensure that all parts are at the quality level we require while also making the pack out and inspection process faster and more efficient. It also allows workers to do a good job when and everything is appropriately organised.
more than 20 years, are committed to development, research bowl feeder automationinstallation of the lime-kiln. is full-automatic with the lowest cost investment. lime kiln has an extended life span we are able to be relied upon due to excellent service high-quality lime mill.
AGICO owns bowl feeder automation technical staff, with focus on EPC turnkey projects, covering design, manufacture installation, as well as debugging and maintenance, other services. AGICO provides comprehensive pre-sales, after-sales after-sales services, offering full technical support to meet requirements customers.
long time, AGICO has had professional technical team, mature production technology, rich production experience, forming complete set shaft kiln production technology management systems, making the bowl feeder automation-saving environmental-protective lime shaft kiln technology perfect. This technology characterized by of low investment, high degree of automation, high quality of product, low energy consumption, long service life of the furnace, as well as environmental protection. It widely used the metallurgy sector also in non-ferrous materials and chemicals, building materials, other industries, as well as deep processing industries.
company has been involved in design of programs, engineering design, special equipment provision, installation and commissioning, oven training employees starting up furnaces, as well as production reaching of an energy-efficient and sustainable lime shaft kiln. company has built activated kilns with various sizes that include 150m3, 170m3, 200m3, 350m3, 500m3, etc. kilns were opened successfully and produced stunning effect! Utilizing bowl feeder automation that is mature in the coke lime shaft kiln the gas-burning lime shaft is kiln has been developed, contract agreements have been signed withnumerous companies.